Tips and tricks

Why did Luke take the child?

Why did Luke take the child?

Luke Skywalker Was Desperate To Rebuild The Jedi Possibly the reason that Luke Skywalker never hesitates to recruit Grogu, despite his weaknesses, is that Luke is desperate to rebuild the Jedi Order at this point in the Star Wars timeline.

Is Luke Skywalker innocent?

Skywalker was found innocent of all charges. The effects of Skywalker’s mission were seen as beyond a loss of life for the defense. “Ever since our Death Star got blown up, our health care has really gone down the tube,” Storm Trooper 12 said.

Did Luke ever go to the dark side?

Throughout Star Wars, Luke Skywalker always sought to maintain balance in the Force, never turning to the dark side no matter how tempted he was. Luke Skywalker was tempted numerous times by the darkness, yet he never turned to the dark side of the Force – at least not in Star Wars canon.

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Why did Ben go bad?

It is revealed that Ren is the son of Han and Leia, originally named Ben, and was once one of Luke’s Jedi pupils. He was corrupted to the dark side of the Force by the First Order’s Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis), and helped destroy Luke’s new Jedi Academy.

How old is Grogu in human years?

50 years
Grogu has appeared in every episode of the first two seasons, with the exception of “Chapter 15: The Believer”. He was created by The Mandalorian creator and showrunner Jon Favreau based upon his desire to explore the mystery around Yoda and his species….

Age 50 years (born ca. 41 BBY)

Was Luke Skywalker’s biggest mistake?

This was the hero’s biggest mistake. S tar Wars: The Last Jedi is Luke Skywalker’s movie. It’s his swan song, in which he confronts his own faith, past, and demons. And for fans who last saw Luke as that bright-eyed hero who had saved the galaxy, it’s hard to see him as a self exiled hermit who has failed in training his star pupil, Ben Solo.

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Is Luke Skywalker a self exiled hermit?

And for fans who last saw Luke as that bright-eyed hero who had saved the galaxy, it’s hard to see him as a self exiled hermit who has failed in training his star pupil, Ben Solo. In the movie, flashbacks show Luke sensing Solo’s draw toward the dark side and going to his sleeping chamber with the intention to kill the young student.

Who is Luke Skywalker in the Mandalorian?

Luke Skywalker has arrived in The Mandalorian, saving Baby Yoda and taking him to train as a Jedi, which sets up a huge story for The Mandalorian season 3 and perhaps even further into Star Wars ‘ future.

Does baby Yoda train with Luke Skywalker?

Alternatively, there’s the option that Baby Yoda does not fully train as a Jedi with Luke Skywalker, or at least doesn’t make it to his Academy, but is instead just with him for a spell in The Mandalorian season 3.