Why do Negan and the governor whistle?

Why do Negan and the governor whistle?

He whistled it again to Andrea, maybe as a way of showing his thoughts towards her? Negan does it in a more calculated faction, I think. It can be used to signal to others, but at the same time, he seems to like keeping people on their toes with his mix of playful fun and outright violence.

Is the governor bad in TWD?

In begining, The Governor was good man. When he lost family, he became evil and cold blood man. Yes he wanted to protet his people but you can see he took pride and pleasure in killing and was truely an evil person.

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Why does Negan wear a glove?

10 Why Does He Wear Only One Glove? Negan’s outfit is very distinct, including his jeans, black leather jacket, red scarf, and, of course, his one glove. Showrunner Scott Gimple has confirmed that the reason is so Negan can easily handle his barbed wire bat Lucille without getting blisters on his hand.

What song does Negan whistle?

Update: In the making of video for the “Prey” episode, The Governor’s whistling has been confirmed to be “Bye Baby Bunting.” Video embedded below.

What happened to the Governor in TWD?

At that moment, Michonne stabs the Governor and leaves him to die. Lilly then shoots him in the head, killing him. His corpse is briefly visible at the beginning of “After,” lying in the middle of the field with a bullet hole in his head.

What was Negan before the Apocalypse?

Prior to the outbreak, Negan was the coach of a local high school, keeping his players in line through intimidation and bullying. He is happily married to his wife, Lucille, but nonetheless has a mistress on the side who doesn’t know he is married.

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What would Negan have been like if he was Shane?

Negan is darker than Shane, tougher than Shane, more ruthless than Shane, and (despite all the viciousness) saner than Shane. Shane would have not made mistakes of having any surviving enemies for one. He would have been a hot head but don’t forget Lori isn’t there anymore so he would have calmed down a lot.

What would Negan do if he could live without Rick?

Negan would likely let him live in the short term, (Negan was obsessed with Rick as the leader, and has shown time and again he really feels leaders are the biggest threat). Negan has a keen sense as a survivor for who could be rebellious now but potentially bend towards him later, and who is going to need to be browbeaten indefinitely.

What happened to Negan in The Walking Dead?

Broken up by the event and hurt to see Rick so emotionally beaten by Negan, Shane works hard to bring the survivor out of Rick again to attack Negan. The collision between the two groups happens faster this time as Rick has someone else to lean on in the group. However, after Negan is defeated, Shane shoots Negan in his cell.