Why is it bad to tell people how much money you make?

Why is it bad to tell people how much money you make?

Originally Answered: Why is it bad to tell someone how much money you make, what if they want an in house answer on how much they can make before pursuing it? Employers don’t want you to tell people how much money they make because they are still discriminating against people with regards to pay.

Is it rude to ask someone how much money they make?

Discussing Salary It’s rude to ask how much money someone else makes, and it’s also rude to share how much money you make (unless there is good reason to do so, i.e. someone is looking for a job in your field and wants to know a typical salary range). “This can make people feel uncomfortable,” Porter said.

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Is it OK to talk about how much you make?

Yes, it’s O.K. — and perfectly legal — to talk about it. What many workers don’t realize is that it is unlawful for private sector employers to prohibit employees from discussing wages and compensation, and it has been since the National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935.

How do you deal with people who ask how much money you make?

Practice Stealth Wealth! If you must share info given the other party has bared their soul, talk in percentages and temper them while you are at it. Never tell anyone how much money you make.

How do you tell someone how much money you make?

Never tell anyone how much money you make. The other strategy is to provide a wide range below and above his or her salary so as to appease some of his/her desire to know, without making them feel unsatisfactory. Look around at the most financially successful people out there.

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Why do people want to know other people’s salaries?

People often want to know about other people’s salaries because they are trying to feel OK about their own salaries. I talked to my friend Michael Lipson, who’s a clinical psychologist, about the question. “In general, the reason you share is to compare. And that’s both the reason to do it and the reason not to do it,” he said.

What are the pros and cons of making more money?

Don’t have to always have to pay because you make more. Buy things and go on vacations in peace. You blend in with everybody else. If you make more than the average, nobody will envy you or try and take you down. The Negatives Of Keeping Your Wealth Hidden You start associating your identity with your income.