
Why is my dandruff so bad in the winter?

Why is my dandruff so bad in the winter?

Dandruff occurs when the scalp becomes too oily, and the oil production occurs to combat dryness. In the wintertime, people spend more time indoors and crank up the heat. This leads to dry, warm air that affects the skin.

How do you get rid of winter dandruff?

Winter haircare: Here’s how you can get rid of seasonal dandruff

  1. Practice massaging your scalp every day.
  2. Nourish your scalp with hair masks.
  3. Use a mild shampoo.
  4. Follow your hair wash with a conditioner always.

How can I stop dandruff in winter?

  1. Coconut Oil therapy: Once or twice a week, heat coconut oil and apply on the hair and scalp.
  2. Overnight oil method: Leave the oil on in your scalp overnight.
  3. Fenugreek seeds: Soak fenugreek (methi) seeds overnight in water.
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Does oiling remove dandruff?

On the other hand, dandruff can’t be cured by oil. Your scalp becomes flaky due to the production of excess oil. Dandruff is caused by the overgrowth of a harmless yeast, in many people the yeast tends to feed on the excess oil and dead skin cells which leads to shedding and clumping of skin cells into flakes.

What causes dandruff in the winter?

Dandruff is caused by extreme dryness of the scalp and flaky skin. Winter cold air and winter dryness cause dry, itchy and flaky skin causing dandruff. Even the use of heaters during cold winters, can cause dandruff. Apart from harsh winter conditions, dandruff can be caused by a number of other factors.

How to get rid of dandruff in winwinters?

Winters can prompt you to use hot water to wash your hair. But using hot/warm water will make your hair frizzy and dry out the scalp. This becomes an ideal environment for dandruff growth. Hence, use lukewarm water for your shower. Massage coconut or almond oils every time you shampoo your hair.

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What should you not do if you have dandruff?

Avoid washing hair too many times, as this will dry your scalp and can lead to dandruff. Avoid using scalding hot water on your head; instead use lukewarm water or the coolest water you can stand to wash your hair, to keep dandruff at bay.