
Why is silver a better conductor than platinum?

Why is silver a better conductor than platinum?

Silver is the best conductor of electricity because it contains a higher number of movable atoms (free electrons). For a material to be a good conductor, the electricity passed through it must be able to move the electrons; the more free electrons in a metal, the greater its conductivity.

Is silver or platinum a better conductor?

Platinum is an element with high electrical conductivity and is more ductile than gold, silver, or copper. It is less malleable than gold. The metal has excellent resistance to corrosion, is stable at high temperatures, and has stable electrical properties.

Why is silver the best conductor of electricity?

A conductor is a material which gives very little resistance to the flow of an electric current or thermal energy. Silver is the best conductor because its electrons are freer to move than those of the other elements, thereby making it more suitable for the conduction of electricity and heat than any other element.

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Is silver a good conductor?

Silver is an excellent conductor of heat, while stainless steel is a poor conductor. In fact, silver is twice as good a conductor as aluminum, and nearly 10 times as good as a conductor as low-carbon steel. Copper and gold are the only metals that come close to silver in thermal conductivity.

Is silver the best electrical conductor?

Silver. The best conductor of electricity is pure silver, but to no surprise, it is not one of the most commonly used metals to conduct electricity. The second drawback is the most obvious—it is simply too expensive to run silver wire through a building—far more expensive than aluminum or copper.

Is platinum a good conductor of electricity?

Most metals conduct electricity. Other elements with high electrical conductivity, are aluminum, zinc, nickel, iron, and platinum. Brass and bronze are electrically conductive alloys, rather than elements.

Is silver conductor or insulator?

For instance, silver is the best conductor in the “conductors” list, offering easier passage for electrons than any other material cited. Dirty water and concrete are also listed as conductors, but these materials are substantially less conductive than any metal.

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Is silver best conductor of heat?

Silver is an excellent conductor of heat, while stainless steel is a poor conductor. Copper and gold are the only metals that come close to silver in thermal conductivity.

Why is silver the Best Conductor of electricity?

As to why silver is the best conductor, the answer is that its electrons are freer to move than those of the other elements. This has to do with its valence and crystal structure. Most metals conduct electricity. Other elements with high electrical conductivity, are aluminum, zinc, nickel, iron, and platinum.

Is platinum a better conductor of electricity than gold?

According to the Drude model, this means platinum has a lower conductivity. As mentioned above, platinum does have a big practical advantage, though: it is a noble metal and does not oxidize (unlike silver). But gold is also noble and is a better conductor than platinum.

What is the difference between gold silver and platinum?

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Platinum has the highest density of the four metals which means that you can fit more mass of platinum in the same amount of volume than gold, silver or copper. Silver possesses the greatest ability to conduct an electric current through its structure. Platinum is the least reactive, followed by gold, silver, mercury and copper.

Why are some metals more conductive than others?

This has to do with its valence and crystal structure. Most metals conduct electricity. Other elements with high electrical conductivity, are aluminum, zinc, nickel, iron, and platinum. Brass and bronze are electrically conductive alloys, rather than elements.