Why matter is not continuous?

Why matter is not continuous?

it means that matter is made up of particles. matter is anything which occupies space and can be sensed by any of our sense. anything which occupies space is made of of atoms and molecules. so, therefore it is particulate not continuous.

What is discontinuous nature of matter?

The discontinuous or the particulate nature of matter is the idea that substances or matter exist as small particles that possess spaces among each other.

Who thought matter continuous?

Democritus held that all matter could be subdivided only until some finite particle was reached. Aristotle had a quite different idea, that matter was a continuous substance, not composed of any fundamental units.

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What things are not matter?

Things That Are Not Matter

  • Time.
  • Sound.
  • Sunlight.
  • Rainbow.
  • Love.
  • Thoughts.
  • Gravity.
  • Microwaves.

What properties define matter?

Matter can be defined or described as anything that takes up space, and it is composed of miniscule particles called atoms. It must display the two properties of mass and volume.

Is matter continuous or particulate examples?

The matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms, hence matter is particulate and not continuous.

Is matter discrete or continuous?

All the evidence and our best theories so far say that matter and energy in general is discrete. In fact, the whole of quantum physics was born essentially from the experimental realization that energy can only manifest in discrete chunks called quanta.

What is the difference between continuous and discontinuous permafrost?

The part of Russia known as Siberia has continuous permafrost. Discontinuous permafrost is broken up into separate areas. Some permafrost, in the shadow of a mountain or thick vegetation, stays all year. In other areas of discontinuous permafrost, the summer sun melts the permafrost for several weeks or months.

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Is reality continuous or discrete or discrete?

So to the extent that reality is accurately described by calculus, we can say (if we like) that reality is continuous. But in practice all our measurements are discrete, because measuring devices have a least count — the smallest unit of measurement that the device can resolve accurately.

What are the characteristics of discontinuous variation?

Discontinuous variations are decided by a single gene or a small number of genes. The phenotypic appearances of them are generally not affected due to environmental factors. Discontinuous variation does not show a normal distribution. It does not produce a curve and can be represented using only a bar graph.